Lesson Planning Activity


In this activity you will work in groups to plan a lesson that addresses one of the content descriptors from the Digital Technologies curriculum. You will be given a specific content descriptor to create a lesson for, according to the Stage/s that you teach. You can choose to use any of the approaches and technologies that we have introduced over the last two days, or a particular technology that your school has access to, for this lesson. For example, you can create a lesson that uses Scratch or that uses an Unplugged approach.

We can help you with any questions you have about the curriculum, mapping these activities to the NSW syllabuses or the technology that you plan to use during the activity. At the end of the session the lesson plans that have been created will be shared and discussed with the other groups.

Curriculum Guides and Examples



We have included some resources for each of the different technologies and approaches we have introduced in this workshop to assist in your lesson planning. If you have any questions about these technologies and approaches, or would prefer to plan the lesson with a different technology, please let us know.


Unplugged Approach


Makey Makey

LEGO Mindstorms