Physical Computing with MaKey MaKeys


In this session we will work through some hands-on activities using Scratch and MaKey MaKeys. These activities combine Visual Programming & Physical Computing concepts.

Physical Computing usually refers to designing and developing computer hardware and software that involves some physical interaction or the use of sensors. This physical interaction could be a different way of interacting with the computer, that may not involve using a mouse and keyboard. For example, playing a game, such as Dance Central that involves dancing in front of a camera with a motion sensor. Sensors are also often used to collect data from the “real world”, for example: temperature, humidity and noise levels.

In this session we will focus on making programs that involve alternative forms of physical interaction (i.e. not using a keyboard and mouse).

You may have heard of Arduinos or Rasbperry Pis. These are both small, cheap computers that can be used in a variety of Physical Computing projects. In this session we will be using MaKey MaKeys, which you could say are a simpler version of these. MaKey MaKeys are “An Invention Kit for Everyone”.

The increased availability of gadgets like MaKey MaKeys and 3D printers has spurred on the “Maker Movement”. This is encouraging for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education, because being a Maker usually involves using skills from all of these these disciplines to create a real, tangible invention.

Extension Activity

In the “Making an Interactive Quiz” tutorial there is an extension activity that you may want to work through once you have finished the main activity. The extension activity involves learning about code smells in Scratch. A code smell is a term used to describe code that works as the programmer intended, but that could cause problems for themselves or their peers to interpret and/or change in the future. For example, a student creating a program in Scratch may have a long stack of blocks in their Scripts, which you might find difficult to read and understand.

You can read more about discovering code smells in Scratch and find a link to a report that involved examining how smelly code affected students’ performance in modifying and fixing Scratch programs on Felienne Hermans’ blog.


There are 2 activities in this session. We recommend that you complete them in this order: Making a Piano, followed by Making an Interactive Quiz.

If you complete all of these activities before the end of the session, please let us know.