
About the Program

The Coding in Stage 3 program is a professional learning program for Stage 3 teachers that has been developed by researchers at the University of Newcastle, Australia. The program is part of Mr Daniel Hickmott’s PhD project, which investigates how Stage 3 teachers in New South Wales learn and teach Coding and Computational Thinking. The information statement that explains how the program is situated within the PhD project is available online here.

The ScratchMaths stream of the Coding in Stage 3 program uses resources that have been adapted from the ScratchMaths curriculum materials, which were created by researchers at University College London. The focus of the ScratchMaths stream of the Coding in Stage 3 program is the teaching of Coding and Computational Thinking alongside Stage 3 Mathematics. All of the sessions’ activities in the program have been mapped to the relevant Stage 3 syllabus outcomes, AITSL Teacher Standards, ACARA General Capabilities and ACARA Digital Technologies content descriptors.

About the Website

The purpose of this website is to assist in the running of the weekly, face-to-face tutorial sessions during the Coding in Stage 3 program, by giving participating teachers one place to find all of the program resources and a record of how the different activities in the program address relevant learning outcomes. The adapted materials and original content are licenced under a Creative Commons licence and, consequently, can be used and remixed for non-commercial purposes. If you do use or remix these materials, or have any questions about using them in your professional learning programs, please reach out and let Daniel know through email.