Week 7: Interacting Sprites Part 1


In this session, we will work through Investigation 1 (Animating Sprites) and the first activity from Investigation 2 (Encountering Conditions), which are from Module 3: Interacting Sprites, from the ScratchMaths Curriculum Materials.

The focus of the ScratchMaths Module 3 is the use of interactions between multiple Sprites in Scratch. These interactions are achieved by using three computational concepts - Parallelism, Events and Conditionals - which will be introduced in this Module’s activities. As mentioned in the Module 3 Teacher Materials, the Interacting Sprites activities could also be linked to other key learning areas. For example, in Investigation 4 you will have the opportunity to create an interactive story in Scratch, which could be linked to lessons and concepts within the English syllabus.

The activities in this Module also build on computational and mathematical concepts from previous Modules, such as: Probability, Sequences, Loops, Operators and Geometry.


algorithm, computational thinking, computational concept, coding, visual programming, sequences, loops, operators, debugging, custom block, random, conditionals, broadcasting, events, sensing





Session Outcomes

Stage 3 NSW Syllabus Outcomes

Science and Technology

Digital Technologies
Outcome How the Outcome is addressed
ST3-3DP-T: defines problems, and designs, modifies and follows algorithms to develop solutions In this session’s activities, you will design, modify and follow algorithms (steps of instructions for a computer to follow) when creating the interactions between the different Sprites in the Scratch programs.


Working Mathematically
Outcome How the Outcome is addressed
MA3-1WM: describes and represents mathematical situations in a variety of ways using mathematical terminology and some conventions In this session’s activities, you will have the opportunity to describe and represent a variety of mathematical situations. For example, in the Jumping Tera activity you will use mathematical conventions, in conjunction with Coding commands, to move the characters in the Scratch project around the Stage.
MA3-2WM: selects and applies appropriate problem-solving strategies, including the use of digital technologies, in undertaking investigations In this session’s activities, you will have opportunity to select and apply problem-solving strategies, when investigating probability and geometry in Scratch.
MA3-3WM: gives a valid reason for supporting one possible solution over another In this session’s activities you will reason about different solutions to the exercises. For example, in the Repeat Until activity, you will be given examples of different approaches for solving a problem and asked to discuss the differences between these.
Numbers and Algebra
Outcome How the Outcome is addressed
MA3-4NA: orders, reads and represents integers of any size and describes properties of whole numbers In this session’s activities, you will use whole numbers when creating and reading scripts that move the characters in the Scratch project around the Stage. For example, in the Extension step in the Teleporting Nano activity you will use whole numbers to create a script that causes a Sprite to have a disappearing animation effect.
MA3-5NA: selects and applies appropriate strategies for addition and subtraction with counting numbers of any size In this session’s activities you will apply addition and subtraction when creating and reading scripts that move the characters in the Scratch project around the Stage. For example, in the Touching Colour? activity you will use subtraction and addition to change the Sprites’ positions on the Stage.
MA3-8NA: analyses and creates geometric and number patterns, constructs and completes number sentences, and locates points on the Cartesian plane In this session’s activities you will locate points on the Cartesian plane when you move characters in the Scratch project around the Stage. For example, in the Jumping Tera activity you will change the Sprites’ positions on the Stage by using Scratch blocks that modify the x and y position of the Sprites.
Statistics and Probability
Outcome How the Outcome is addressed
MA3-19SP: conducts chance experiments and assigns probabilities as values between 0 and 1 to describe their outcomes In this session’s activities, you will have the opportunity to explore the use of randomness in Scratch. For example, in the Touching Colour? activity, you will make a Sprite point in a random direction before it moves across the Stage.
AITSL Professional Teacher Standards
Standard How the Standard is addressed
2.6.2: Use effective teaching strategies to integrate ICT into learning and teaching programs to make selected content relevant and meaningful. In this session, you will learn about different teaching strategies for the integration of ICT (specifically Coding) with Mathematics.
3.3.2: Select and use relevant teaching strategies to develop knowledge, skills, problem solving and critical and creative thinking. In this session, you will learn about different teaching strategies for developing knowledge, skills, problem solving and critical and creative thinking, in the context of Stage 3 Mathematics.
3.4.2: Select and/or create and use a range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning. In this session, you will learn about different resources for teaching Coding, including ‘unplugged’ methods that can be used when you do not have access to a computer lab.
6.2.2: Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice, targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities. In this session, you will learn about how Coding and Computational Thinking can be incorporated into different areas within the Mathematics syllabus.
ACARA General Capabilities


Numeracy Element How this Element is addressed
Estimating and calculating with whole numbers In this session’s activities, you will calculate with whole numbers when moving Sprites around the Stage in Scratch. For example, in the Walking Pico activity you will use whole numbers when use whole numbers when command the Pico character to walk across the screen.
Recognising and using patterns and relationships In this session’s activities, you will have the opportunity to recognise and use patterns when moving Sprites around the Stage in Scratch. For example, in the Jumping Tera activity you will recognise the relationship between a positive change to the y position of a Sprite and the movement the Sprites makes on the Stage (upwards).
Using spatial reasoning In this session’s activities, you will use spatial reasoning when moving Sprites around the Stage in Scratch. For example, in the Teleporting Nano activity, you will move the Beetle Sprite to random positions on the Stage.

Information and Communication Technology Capability

ICT Capability Element How this Element is addressed
Creating with ICT In this session, you will create and modify interactions between Sprites in a Scratch project.

Critical and Creative Thinking

Creative and Creative Thinking Capability Element How this Element is addressed
Generating ideas, possibilities and actions In this session, you will be encouraged to be creative in the activities and to explore a variety of ideas, possibilities and actions when creating the interactions between the Sprites in Scratch.
Reflecting on thinking and processes In this session, you will be encouraged to reflect on your thinking and processes you undertook when completing the activities through the questions in the Class Discussion Points.
Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures In this session, you will have the opportunity to synthesise and evaluate the reasoning and procedures you used during the session, through the Class Discussion Points. For example, in the Jumping Tera activity there are questions in these Class Discussion Points that prompt you to explain the processes and strategies used to determine the values that will cause one of the Sprites to move backwards.
Stage 3 ACARA Digital Technologies Content Descriptors
Content Descriptor How the Descriptor is addressed
ACTDIP018: Design a user interface for a digital system In this session’s activities, you will create a Scratch project that responds to user input (for example, clicking on a Sprite will make that Sprite move around the Stage).
ACTDIP019: Design, modify and follow simple algorithms involving sequences of steps, branching, and iteration (repetition) In this session’s activities, you will design, modify and follow algorithms (steps of instructions for a computer to follow).
ACTDIP020: Implement digital solutions as simple visual programs involving branching, iteration (repetition), and user input In this session, you will implement a program in Scratch, a visual programming language, that includes loops (iteration), events and user input.