Creating Networks in Edgy


Edgy is a modification of the Snap! language that allows you to use code blocks to create Networks and visualise Graph algorithms.

You will learn about the following Networks concepts in this activity:

This activity will also involve applying some of the concepts that you learned about in the Coding in Snap! Activity, including:

You will also learn about Stacks and Dictionaries, which are data structures that are similar to Lists.


Activity Solutions

The solutions to the Check Your Understanding exercises from the activity are available here.

Extra Activities

If you complete the activity early in the session or are interested in finding out more about Edgy after the workshop, there is also a “gentle introduction” to Edgy with instructional videos and tutorials available from the Programming with Edgy website.

Data Sets for Networks Problems

We have included some links to some websites where you can view and download a variety of different data sets that contain Networks. Examples of the data sets that can be downloaded include Social Networks of animals and Transportation Networks. Note that the files downloaded may not be in the DOT file format and consequently they may not be able to be directly imported into Edgy.