Module 1: Tiling Patterns

Module 1 from the UCL ScratchMaths resources is titled Tiling Patterns. The theme of the module is repeating patterns and the activities in this Module involve creating patterns by moving, running and “stamping” shapes in Scratch. As mentioned in the teacher materials for Module 1, the Tiling Patterns Module’s activities could also be linked to other learning areas. For example,these activities could link to the Creative Arts, as the geometrical patterns students create may be similar to those that are commonly present in art in different cultures and movements, such as Islamic Art.

The computational concepts covered in this module include Sequences and Loops. The mathematical concepts that are covered in these Investigations include Symmetry, Angles, Patterns, Co-ordinates, and Positive and Negative Numbers.

During the workshop, you will complete the following investigations from Module 1:

We will refer to following files for these activities: