2020-2021 Professional Learning

Name Description Date
ScratchMaths 2020 A two day workshop where teachers learned about how the UCL ScratchMaths curriculum materials can be used for integrating coding and computational thinking with Stage 3 Mathematics and collaborated on lesson and unit planning. November 2020

2019 Professional Learning

Name Description Date
Coding & STEAM 2019 A weekly after-school program that ran for 8 weeks and that involved learning about ways of integrating coding into a variety of learning areas. This program was similar to a program ran over 10 weeks in 2018 but the content was updated for Scratch 3 and the program involved activities from the Creative Computing Curriculum Guide, which was updated for Scratch 3. August - September 2019
CS4S: An Introduction to Coding and Computational Thinking Workshop Introduced fundamental computational concepts with a variety of tools and resources, such as Scratch 3, MakeCode and BBC Micro:bits. October, 2019
Creating Artificial Intelligence Workshop A 1-day workshop that focused on Machine Learning, which is one topic within Artificial Intelligence (AI). In the workshop, we taught teachers the essential steps in developing Machine Learning solutions and showed them how to create and test Machine Learning models using the Machine Learning for Kids website. November, 2019
Creating Virtual Reality Workshop A 1-day workshop that was planned to run in November but that we had to cancel due to unforeseen circumstances. The workshop would have involved creating VR scenes using the A-Frame VR Framework and you can see the activities that we planned to use on the workshop's website. November, 2019

2018 Professional Learning

Name Description Date
CS4S: Developing Coding Hubs Workshop A workshop for teachers to learn about how to run their own professional learning events that are related to the teaching of coding and computational thinking. November, 2018
CS4S: An Introduction to Coding and Computational Thinking Workshop Introduced fundamental computational concepts with a variety of tools and resources, such as Lightbot and PencilCode. July, 2018
Coding in Stage 3: Coding & STEAM A weekly after-school program that ran for 10 weeks and that involved learning about ways of integrating coding into a variety of learning areas. This program mainly involved using Scratch and activities adapted from the Creative Computing Curriculum Guide. May - August 2018
Coding in Stage 3: ScratchMaths A weekly after-school program that ran for 10 weeks and that focused on how coding can be integrated into Stage 3 Mathematics. This program used materials that were adapted from the UCL ScratchMaths curriculum materials.

2017 Workshops

Name Description Date
CS4S: Maths and Networks Teaching Networks (from Senior Maths) with the Edgy language (a modification of Snap! BYOB). November, 2017
CS4S: Introduction Introduced fundamental Coding concepts, with Scratch and Sonic Pi. November, 2017
ScratchMaths Teaching Stage 3 Mathematics (Geometry) alongside Coding in Scratch. October, 2017
CS4S: Primary School Introducing Primary School teachers to Coding with Scratch. June, 2017

2016 Workshops

Name Description Date
CS4S: High School An introduction to Coding for High School teachers. This workshop involved activities that used a variety of technologies (for example: AppInventor and R. November, 2016
CS4S: Primary School An introduction to Coding for Primary School teachers. This workshop involved activities with a variety of technologies (for example: Scratch and LEGO Mindstorms. July, 2016

Other Workshops

Name Description Date
Digital Day Out A short (2 hour) workshop that introduced Coding in Scratch and "unplugged" approaches for teaching Computational Thinking. April and October 2016
CS 4 the WALC A day-long workshop for a communiy of teachers that focused on teaching Coding in Scratch to Primary School teachers. June, 2016
CS 4 the CSO A short (2 hour) workshop for a communiy of teachers that focused on teaching Coding in Scratch to Primary School teachers. October, 2016

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